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Collection of Polish Fold Wisdom


A good friend is better than a hundred relatives. Collection of polish fold wisdom.

Truth can take you everywhere, including jail. Collection of polish fold wisdom.

Hope is the mother of fools.

The devil cannot go as far as a woman can.

Thrift is great revenue.

A guest sees more in an hour than the hose sees in a year..

If you wish to enjoy leisure, joint the army.

Respect yourself and others will respect you. Collection of polish fold wisdom.

He who cheats another cheats himself most.

Silence goes better with shrewdness than with a kind heart.

The best asset is a clean conscience.

Under capitalism man exploit man, under socialism the reverse is true.

Curiosity is the first step to hell.

It is hard striving against the stream.

Death is good when needed.

A good painter need not give a name to this picture and a bad one must.

Do not look for poverty, it will find you.

A fool may ask more than seven wise men can answer.

Fewer women, the less trouble.

Do not praise the day before sunset.

When money talks everyone is silent.

If it were not for the hands, the clock would be useless.

Hunger teaches many things.

Not everything that is allowed is agreeable.

Become a priest and you will be happy for the rest of your life.

The man has not yet been broken who can please everyone.

The bell is loud because it is empty.

A bad workman always blames his tools.

Anger is a short madness.

The fox changes his skin but not his habits.

A good appetite needs no sense.

Every country has its own customers.

Do not push a river it flows by itself.

The tree falls not a t the first blow.

Do not make the same mistake twice.

Listen to people but keep your own wits.

A good listener makes a good teacher.

Before a doctor can cure one he will kill ten.

Better is one unmarried lady than four widows.

The doctor demands his fees whether he has killed the illness or the patient.

It is better to give than to lend and it costs about the same.

A wife, a razor and a horse are things not to be lent.

The giver should forget but the receiver should remember forever.

He who holds a sword will maintain peace.

Good word cost nothing but are worth much.

A good wife is the husband’s crown.

Good deeds are written on sand, bad deeds are graven upon rock.

Fortune favors the bold. Collection of polish fold wisdom.

Do not talk about others, they would not talk about you.

Bad things often turn out to be good for you.

A beggar does not hate another beggar as much as one doctor hates another.

To believe in certainly we must bargain by doubting.

Everyone judges according to themselves.

A pretty person looks pretty in every clothing.

Forgive others easily but yourself never.

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Payback Is Coming


Payback Is Coming. Some people are living with a sense of shame because of something that happened to them that was not even their fault. You mish have been misted when y were growing up. Somebody took advantage of you. The enemy will twist thing and try to convince you that it was your fault. Do not believe those lies.

If they did you worn, the problem was not with you, the problem was with them. God saw what happened. He say the injustice. You may think. Nobody knows what I have endured. Nobody knows my hurts, my shame, and my pains. But God knows.

He saw every person who lifted a finger against you. He saw every lonely night, every tear and every hurt. God is going to pay you back for the injustice in such a way that you would not even remember what happened. It is not going to be on the forefront of your mind. He is going to make your life so blessed, so rewarding and so fulfilling that you would not even think about the people who hurt you.

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Chinese Wise Proverb


The person who is his own master cannot tolerate another boss.

If you so not want anyone to know, do not do it.

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Move Up to the Next Level


We all have things that are trying to hold us back, whether it is guild from past mistakes, temptations that we cannot seem to overcome or a dysfunction that has been passed down to us. It is easy to go learn to accept it and think that is who we are, but God did not crate you to go through life weighed down by addictions, dysfunction, guilt or the past. He created you to be free. Move Up to the Next Level

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80/20 Rule to Everything


The 80/20 rule is one of the most helpful of all concepts of time and life management. It is also called the Pareto principle. This principle says that 20 percent of your activities will account for 80 percent of your results, 20 percent of your customers will account for 80 percent of your sales, 20 percent of your products or services will account for 80 percent of your profits, 20 percent of your tasks will account for 80 percent the value of what you do and so on. This means that if you have almost of ten items to do, two of those items will turn out to be worth much more than the other eight items put together.

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Chinese Proverbs on life


After tree day without reading, talk becomes flavorless.

A book is like a garden carried in the pocket. Chinese Proverbs on life

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Life Filled with God’s Blessing


The greatest key to living a life filled God’s blessing and favor is to keep God first place in your life. When you put God first place and make it your highest priority to pleas Him, you can expect to live a blessed, fulfilled life.

God is a rewarded of those who diligently seek Him, Notice who God rewards. Not people who half-heartedly seek Him, only seek Him when they have a problem. God rewards people who diligently seek Him. Those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing. When you seek God daily with your whole heart, you won’t be able to outrun the good things of God.

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Chinese Proverb


Chinese Proverb. If you climb up a tree, you must climb down the same tree.

Being happy is better than being king.

If you climb up a tree, you must climb down the same tree.

Being happy is better than being king. Chinese Proverb

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Identify Your Value


Too often we base our value on how someone is treating us, how successful we are, how perfect a life we lived. The problem is that all those things can change. If you are trying to get your value from how people treat you, then if they hurt or disappoint you, you are going to feel devalued.

If you are basing your value upon your achievements, how much money you make, what type of car you drive, the title behind your name, then if something happens and you do not have that position or our business goes done, your sense of value will go down.

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Buddha Silence Quotes


Who does not understand you silence will probably not understand your words, so no point in taking to them.

Silence is the best reply to a fool.

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