Wise Motivation

The purpose of this web site is to provide a very good knowledge about wise motivations for the subscribers.

As my understanding in my life, wise motivations knowledge will produce a high level of confidence. And a high level of confidence will generate potential success in every sector in life.

We are falling apart in every section in life because of a lack of proper confidence and wise motivations   which is a prime ingredient to success in every faculty of our life.

Wise motivations knowledge alone can generate a high level of confidence. Anything will come to us, it is from the treasurer of God. Eventually any confidence will come to us from God with wise motivations.

When we are really motivated to seek with wise motivational knowledge, God becomes very happy. God started to open His blessing and pour to the humankind from His treasurer. Blessing is the part of the confidence segment which is the most powerful element to success in every faculty of life with wise motivations.

Wise motivations as we have seen millions of people gather in front of motivational speakers. But in vain, people did not obtain any motivation to increase confidence. The ingredient of confidence did not come to human beings after attaining motivational speaker years after years because God did not transfer blessing to human minds with wise motivations.

Because God is controlling every second of human life, it is His wish to give blessing not only confidence in addition to many prospects. God will be happy who wants to seek wise motivational knowledge and practice upon it. When we are trying to be happy with God, He will make us healthy in every sector of our life with wise motivations

Via my website, I would like to develop an audience of subscribers about God’s wise motivational spirits by providing God’s Will. And I would like to summarize a series of wise motivational avenues to provide motivation in the daily lifestyle for the subscribers.

Accept your failure. Look from the very beginning of humanity, every one of us, every humankind and every individual we want success. To become successful, we must accept our failure because failure is the part of success. But what actually happened, we interfered to accept failure. Have you ever asked any successful people how they have faced their failure in life. They are not part of miracles and there is no secret to success. Success is not a miracle and failure is not a mistake. It is a part of our journey. If you want to touch your dream, you must accept your failure.

In my teen years, I was the best student in my locality, but I failed to get into the undergraduate program in which I was looking to study. I failed terribly in my first year in the undergraduate program. Because of my dream to be perfection which would stand up a best outstanding college student award in whole USA at Master Program.

But I did not stop myself there. I composed myself. I reorganized myself with wise motivation. I looked into my dream again. I would think I must touch my dream again anyhow. Anyhow and at any cost that desire and hunger keep me moving. If I can do it, you can do it too with wise motivations.

You should not stop yourself, if you failed one with wise motivations. You have to command yourself, what you want to do, what you want to achieve with wise motivation what will be your real dreams, what will be your desires. If you have that hunger yourself, that will keep you moving, that will be making sure to touch your dreams with wise motivations.

Irrespective of how many times you failed over, but the hunger, desire and the acceptance of failure, will keep you moving with wise motivations , will keep pushing forward to touch your dreams, but for that you have to accept your failure.

Failure eventually makes you stronger. You might fail hundreds of times in order to become successful one time. Without failure, you will be unable to celebrate your success. Without struggle you will be unable to feel the joy of success.

If you give up your success with wise motivation, it will not be an option to you. You just cannot give up. You can do it. You are the one, but maybe you are not the perfect one at this point of time with wise motivation. But you are committed to become one. But you stop ultimately from becoming a failure.

Turn your dreams into reality with wise motivation, become stronger and do not give you any excuse. Failure is the starting point of every winner. It will be no end; it is the greatness of every success. It will come back to you as strong hands. Build your story to keep going and moving forward to a far extent with wise motivation.

Definitely the success will knock your doors eventually with wise motivation. You will overcome every obstacle, defeat every enemy, and become everything God created you to be with wise motivation. Program your mind with what God says about you, then a transformation will take place. When our thoughts are better, your life will be better wise motivation.

The intention with which you give, the intention with which you serve which determine the outcome, so where I figured that out. It is my intention to live to the highest calling and be pressed to the mark of the highest calling that ask the creator, ask that which made you what is your dream for me. I guarantee you instead of you trying to define the dream with wise motivation what your dream is for me. If you are able to lean into the dream with wise motivation that the universe and all the forces of light and love and power and grace by all the names that we call God has for you, nobody can touch you.

There is a bigger dream waiting for you just waiting for you to step into it with wise motivation. Just step in to it your life is big, your life is huge and we spent so much time waiting to be in somebody else’s life and you do not get honored, you do not  get admired. You do not get celebrating wanting which somebody else has because that which created you divine intelligence to dream you from before your ancestors, ever know world become your ancestor that which dream the seed of you wants you to know how special how wondrous, how mysterious, how complexes, how glories, how phenomenal you are and you get not credit messing in somebody else’s territory or trying to have power over something you have no control. You are the master of your own fate, you get to be the captain of your, took care of your territory, wondrous opportunities and possibilities that are waiting for you with wise motivation

So the question is what are you resisting, what are you pushing against. What are you not allowing with wise motivation, what are you blocking because you have this idea who and what you are supposed to be instead of leaning into the dream that was already been created and waiting for you with wise motivation, it is waiting for you. It is a shift in the way, you see yourself and the power from which you have come with wise motivation.

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