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Henry Ford Quote Tell About Ourselves


Failure is simple the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.

The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one’s denting to do and then do it.

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You are Fully Lorded


When God created you, He put in you everything you need to fulfill your destiny. God is a strategic God. He is not random. He did not just crate you and say. Let us see what he can do. Let us see what happen. God is precise. He is intentional, down to the smallest detail and when He laid out the plan for your life. He studied it carefully. He truth about what you would need and fully lorded what it would take to get you there then He matched you with your world. He gave you the talent you need, the creativity, the strength.

You are the right size and you have the right looks, the right personality and the right family. You did not get shortchanged. You are fully loaded and completely equipped for the race that has been designed for you.

If I had a better personality, I could do something great. If I came from a different family, I were so small. Have a new prospective. If you needed a different personality, He would have given one. If you needed to be another nationality, you would be another nationality. God does not make mistakes. You are not faulty, you are fully loaded. You have been fearfully and wonderfully made.

When He created the mountains, oceans and sunsets, He said, that is good. When He made the animals, lions, eagles and butterflies, He said, that was good. But when God created you and you are fully loaded when He saw how magnificent you are, how strong, how attractive and how talented you are, He said, that was very good.

Somehow you are lacking, you did not get enough, and you cannot do what others can do. If you did not get what somebody else has, that means you do not need it and you are fully loaded. Quit comparing yourself to others and run your race. Be who God created you to be. You are an original. You have something to offer the world that nobody else has. Let your gifts shine. Show your talent, your personality, yours style. We do not need an imitation. We do not need a copy. We need the original you.

When you want what somebody else has, when you wish you had their looks, their talent, their personality, the truth is, if you had it, it would not be a blessing. It would be a burden. It was not designed for you. The reason it works for them is because fits them. They are walking in their anointing. You are not anointed to be somebody else and you are fully loaded. As long as you are trying to be like them, you will be frustrated.

The anointing on your life is to be who God called you to be. Be confident in what you have. Next level thinking say you have the right looks, gather right talent and the right personality. It might not be what somebody else has, but you are not running their race.

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Great Japanese Proverbs


Fall down seven times, get up eight times. Japanese Proverbs

 Even monkeys fall from trees. Japanese Proverbs

Feed a dog for three days and it is grateful for three years. Feed a cat for three years and it forgets after three days Japanese Proverbs.

Even a fool has at least one talent.

Ten people ten colors. J

Experience nature and in doing so learn about yourself.

To overcome a desperate situation, make a complete turn in one sudden burst. Japanese Proverbs

Everyone makes mistakes. Nobody is perfect.

Overturned water does not return to the tray.

A frog in a well does not know the great ocean.

Who chases two rabbits catches neither. Japanese Proverbs

The presence of fools, makes wise people stand out.

Entering the village, obey the village. Japanese Proverbs

One cannot quarrel without an opponent. Japanese Proverbs

The eyes are the mirror of the soul. Japanese Proverbs

Giving birth to a baby is easier than worrying about it.

The stake that sticks up gets hammered down.

Good medicine is bitter to the mouth.

Wisdom gotten from age is better than the shell of a tortoise.

One’s act will make profit. Japanese Proverbs

Evil cause will evil effect. Japanese Proverbs

A wise man does not lose his way, a brave man does not fear. Japanese Proverbs

The eyes speak as much as the mouth. Japanese Proverbs

One blind man leads the crowd. Japanese Proverbs

It is dark one inch ahead of you. Japanese Proverbs

Friends are known first in hardships. Japanese Proverbs

If you do not enter the tiger’s cave, you will not catch its cub. Japanese Proverbs

With many little strokes a large tree is felled. Japanese Proverbs

Time flies like an arrow. Japanese Proverbs

The winds of tomorrow will blow tomorrow.

After a storm comes a calm. Japanese Proverbs

Cause brings result.

One man’s fault is another lesson.

The mouth is the original intention.

Even dust, when piled up, can become a mountain.

If a fish cures for water, the water will cure for the fish.

There is darkness at the foot of the lamp.

With hardships come pleasure, with pleasure comes hardships.

A journey of a thousand miles begin with a single step.

Good fortune and happiness will come into the house of those who smile.

Child of a frog is a frog. Japanese Proverbs

If you make a mistake, do not hesitate to correct it.

It is the same life whether we spend crying or laughing.

The neighbor’s lawn is always greener.

Watch others’ behavior and correct your own.

Dirty money does not stay with a person for long.

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Think the Right Thoughts


Our mind is like the control center for our life. Every decision we make, action and right thoughts we take begins with a thought. Our thoughts largely determine the direction of our life. If we are going to live a life of a victory, we have to think the right thoughts.

If we keep our mind fixed on God, He will keep us in perfect peace. God has given us the way to have perfect peace. Keep our thoughts fixed on Him. We cannot go through the day thinking.  What’s going to happen if I get laid off? I might not overcome this illness. When we dwell on those kinds of thoughts, we are not going to have peace. We need to think the right thoughts. Meditation on the problem does not make it better, it makes it worse.

We need to pay attention to what we are thinking about. All though the day, we should go around thinking. God has me in the plan of His hand and we need to think the right thoughts. All things are going to work together for my good. The problem did not come to say, it came to pass.

Do not go through the day thinking about your problems, dwelling on who hurt you. That is going to keep you discouraged. You have got to start thinking yourself happy. All through the day you should think and we need to think the right thoughts. My best days are in front of me. Something big is coming my way. What’s meant for my harm, God is going to use to my advantage. My greatest victories are still in my future.

On purpose, think power thoughts and we need to think the right thoughts. I am strong, I am healthy I am blessed. When you wake up in the morning and those negative thoughts come. You do not want to go to work today. You have got so many problems. You have got so much coming against you, more than ever you need to kick it into gear. This is going to be great day. This is the day the Lord has made. I am excited about my future. Something good is going to happen to me today. We need to think the right thoughts.

If you do not set your mind, the enemy will set it for you. Very often, the way we start the day will determine what kind of day we are going to have. If you start it negative, discouraged and complaining, you are setting the tone for a lousy day. You have got to get your mind going in the right direction and we need to think the right thoughts. Your life will follow your thoughts.

We will never rise higher than out thoughts. That is why our mind is the enemy’s number one target. The enemy is called the accuser of the brethren. He will try to remind us of all our mistakes, failures and shortcomings. But just like we have a remote control to change the channels on our television, we need to change the channel of our mind when those condemning, negative thoughts come. We need to think the right thoughts when any thought comes in our mind that is contrary to God’s Word, we should immediately reject it and replace it with truth from the Word of God. God has put seeds of freshness on the inside of you. He do not make anything average or mediocre. But to reach your full potential, your mind has to get into agreement with what He says about you. We need to think the right thoughts.

I am asking you to get rid of wrong thoughts that contaminate your thinking and start meditation on what God says about you. If you will fill your mind what the right thoughts, there won’t be any room for the wrong thoughts. When you go around constantly thinking, I am strong, I am healthy, I am blessed. I have got the favor of God, then when the negative thoughts come knocking, there will be a No Vacancy sign. Sorry, not room for you. They won’t be able to get in. We need to think the right thoughts,

Get up every morning and set your mind in the right direction. Do not medicate on the problem, mediate on the promises of God’s Word. Learn to think yourself happy. Think yourself peaceful. Think yourself victories. Victory starts in our thinking. We need to think the right thoughts.

If you will develop this habit of disciplining your mind to think the right thoughts and mediate on what God says, you will have more peace and more of God’s favor and victory in every area of your life. And I believe and declare you will overcome every obstacle and become everything God created you to be. We need to think the right thoughts.

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Full of Wisdom Quotes


He that cannot endure the bad, will not live to see the good. Full of wisdom quotes

Teach you tongue to say. I do not know instead of to make up something. Full of wisdom quotes

Do not be wise in words, be wise in deeds. Full of wisdom quotes

A bird that you set free may be caught again, but a word that escapes your lips will not return. Full of wisdom quotes

What you do not see with your eyes, do not event with your mouth.

Rejoice not at think enemy’s fall, but do not rush to pick him up either.

It is better to talk to a woman and think of God than talk to God and think of woman.

Lend everyone your ears, give a hand to your friends but give your lips only to a woman.

Do not say something that should never be heard, because ultimately it will be head.

First mend yourself and then mend others.

Do not look for more honor than your learning merits.

Sympathy does not provide food but it makes hunger more endurable.

Anyone who tears you loves you. Full of wisdom quotes

What one has, one does not want and what one wants, one does not have.

Growing old make him allow to see more.

Loose tongues are worse than wicked hands.

Among those who laugh, do not weep; among those who weep, do not laugh.

The failure it make decisions is one life’s biggest mistakes.

If God lived on earth, people would break His windows.

Your own sold is nourished when you are kind.

A righteous man falls down seven times and gets up.

God is closest to those with broken hearts.

Who is wise? One how learns from every man.

To be kind is more important than to be right.

I do not want followers who are righteous rather I want followers who are too busy doing well. Full of wisdom quotes

May God protect you from bad people and save yourself from good ones? Full of wisdom quotes

Not to have felt pain is not to have been human.

As you teach, you learn. Full of wisdom quotes

If a problem can be solved with money then it is not a problem but a costs. Full of wisdom quotes

Do not open a shop unless you know how to smile.

As he thinks in his heart, so he is. Full of wisdom quotes

You cannot force anyone to love, you or lend your money.

Start with God. The step in learning is bowing down to God.

If you do not know what you are living for, you have not yet lived. Build a worthy family, stay on the path of virtue.

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The Odds Cannot Stop You


Are you letting the odds talk you out of your dreams, talk you out of your health, talk you out of your freedom? I know a young lady who applied for a scholarship at a prestigious university. The odds cannot stop you.

The odds cannot stop you. Twenty six hundred other students applied as well. The challenge was that there were only twelve scholarship available. Those odds were less than one half of one percent. She could have thought, what is the use? There is no point in ever trying. These are impossible odds. Instead, she did what I am asking you to do. She dared to believe that God would open the doors that she was supposed to go through. It does not always happen the way we think. The odds cannot stop you.  God knows what is best. But if you are letting the odds talk you out of stretching, out of dreaming, out of believing, you are going to miss the fullness of your destiny. If you can accomplish everything in your own strength, you do not need God’s help. But when the odds are against you and you do not see a way, you do not have the connections or the finances, you are too young or too old, that is when you have to dig your hells in and say, God, I know these odds are not problem for You. I know this a setup for You to show out. That is what this young lady did. Several months later she received a letter saying, congratulations, out of twenty six hundred applicants, you are one of the twelve that we have chosen. The odds cannot stop you.

The odds cannot stop you.  The word it uses for creation means that He made them out of nothing. Every expert would have said, this is impossible. You do not have anything to work with. The odds cannot stop you.

The odds cannot stop you.  Here is how amazing God is, He started the universe with odds of zero.  He had nothing to work with, not way in the natural, materials, no resources, but God is not moved by the odds. He did not check with Accounting and say, I am about to create the starts, galaxies and planers. The odds cannot stop you. I have nothing to work with. What are the odds of this happening? Accounting would have said, zero, You have material, no resource, God would have said, Thanks you for your information. Now let there be light and light would come shooting at 186000 miles a second. The odds cannot stop you.

The odds cannot stop you.  God spoke worlds into creation. He did not Google it to see of it was possible. He did not try to figure out a way. He is the way. He did not try to open a door. He is the door. He does not check the odds to see if you can reach your destiny. He speaks and it how you were raised becomes your destiny. The odds cannot stop you.  God is not limited by y8ur background by how you were raised by education. He is all powerful. He can take nothing and make something magnificent. Imagine what He can do with you. You are His prized procession. He breathed His life into you. You have the DNA of Almighty God. There may be odds against you in certain areas, but they are stop you. God has destined you to leave your mark. Do not let the odds discourage you. Donor let what you think is not going in happened talk you out of believing. Even if the odds are zero in a million, all God has to do is speak and the odds change in your favor. The odds cannot stop you.

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Dutch Proverbs


A hundred men can make an encampment but it requires a women to make a home. Dutch proverbs

Rose fall but the thorns remain. Dutch proverbs

He is too idle to fetch his breath. Dutch proverbs

Pleasures steal away the mind. Dutch proverbs

One rotten apple in the basket infect the whole things.

God helps the strongest.

Time destroys all things.

A wise husband and a patient wife equal a peaceful home and a happy life. Dutch proverbs

An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. Dutch proverbs

He lives long who lives well. Dutch proverbs

He that will cheat at play, will cheat you any way. Dutch proverbs


Silence is the answer to many things.

Nothing so bad but it might have been worse.

What costs nothing is worth nothing.

Who ventures to lend, loses money and friend.

Better poor with honor than rich with shame.

Time gained, much gained.

Death pays all debts.

All are not friends who smile at you.

A man without money is like a ship without sails.

When things go well it easy to advice.

Slowly but surely, the bird builds its nest.

Washing is a bad habit. Saving is a sure income.

Who wants to beat a dog, soon finds a stick.

Promising and performing are two things.

When the head is sick the whole body is sick.

From small beginnings come great things.

To prevent is better than to cure.

By falling we learn to go safely.

Shame lasts longer than poverty.

The truth is lost when there is too much debating.

The taller the tree the harder the fall.

He who does not find himself important, is not doing his job well.

When the husband earns well, the wife spends well.

When poverty comes in at the door, loves flies out at the window.


Small gains bring great wealth.

Men that crawl, never fall.

Perseverance brings success.

Patience surpasses learning.

Only knows everything.

A soft answer turns away worth.

Money is way ahead of whatever is in second place.

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Stop Setting for Mediocrity


Stop setting for mediocrity. Too often, we get comfortable with where we are and we use that as an excuse to remain in mediocrity. Stop setting for mediocrity. My parent were poor, we say with a pout. Before them, my grandparents were poor. Nobody in my family has ever amounted to much, as I guess I won’t either.

Stop setting for mediocrity. Do not believe that lie. God is progressive God. He wants you to go further than you parents ever went. He wants you to be the one to break out of that mold. Maybe you were raised in a negative environment. Anybody around you was negative and critical, depressed, down in the dumps and discourage. Stop setting for mediocrity.

No doubt, you are tempted to use your negative upbringing as an excuse to live the same way. But you can be the person to change your family tree. Do not pass that junk down to your children and keep than negative cycle going. You can be gather one to break the curse in your family. You can be the one to raise the bar. You can after future generations by the decision you make today.

Stop setting for mediocrity. My dad came from the poorest of the poor families. His parents were cotton farmers and they lost everything they owned in the great depression. Stop setting for mediocrity. My grandmother worked fourteen to fifteen hours a day washing people’s clothes, earing ten cents an hour. Many nights, they had come home and not have enough food to eat. Daddy often went to school hungry with holes in his pants and holes in his shoes. Stop setting for mediocrity.

Stop setting for mediocrity. My daddy came from the wrong family in the wrong part of town. He did not have any money and he had very little education. Stop setting for mediocrity.  In the natural, he had no further, no hoe. But God is not limited by environment, family background or present circumstance. God is limited only by our lack of faith. Stop setting for mediocrity.

Stop setting for mediocrity. Daddy held that dream close to his heart. He had a hope that one day he was going to rise above that mentality of defeat and mediocrity. Stop setting for mediocrity.  Not surprisingly everybody amount him tried to discourage him. They said, John, you are never going to make it out there on your own. You better say here with us and pick cotton. That is all you know how to do. Stay here where it is safe. Stop setting for mediocrity.

Stop setting for mediocrity. But I am so thankful that Daddy did not listen to all the naysayers. He was not satisfied with where he was. Stop setting for mediocrity. And because he stayed focused on that dream and was willing to step out in faith, because he stayed focused on that dream and was willing to step out in faith, because he was willing to go beyond the barriers of the past, he broke that curse of poverty in our family.

We affect generations to come with the decision that we make toddy. If you are not experiencing God’s abundant life, let me challenge you to believe for more. Do not merely sit back and except the status quo. Do not travel the rod for the next fifty years and en up at the same place you are at today. Make a decision to rise out of that rut. Do not simply settle for what your parents had. You can go further than that you can go more, have more, be more. Stop setting for mediocrity.

Stop setting for mediocrity. Friend, do not ever get satisfied with where you are. Maybe you came from family like my dad’s, where they did not have much materially. Stop setting for mediocrity.  Or maybe you came from a family with tremendous wealth, prestige and position. Regardless, you can experience more than the generation proceeding you. Stop setting for mediocrity.

Stop setting for mediocrity. Maybe you hail from a long line of divorce, failure, depression, mediocrity or other personal or family problems. Stop setting for mediocrity.  You need to say, enough is enough. I am not going to press these negative attitudes down to my children. I am going to break out this cycle and change my expectation. I am going to start believing God for bigger and better things.

Stop setting for mediocrity. She said, enough is enough. I refuse to pass this lifestyle down to my children. I am going to make a difference with my life. I am going to fulfill my God given destiny. I am going to be person God wants me to be. And she rose up and started believing for bigger and better things. Stop setting for mediocrity. She started excepting the supernatural favor of God. She got rid of her former thoughts of defeat and failure. She developed a can do mentality.  When time were tough, she did not give up. She developed a can do mentality. When times were rough, she did not give up. She just kept on keeping on. She did her par and God did His.

Stop setting for mediocrity. Phyllis got a job at a school cafeteria collecting meal tickets. The job paid minimum wage and Phyllis was thankful for it. But Phyllis was not satisfied with that. She knew God had better things in store for her. Stop setting for mediocrity.  She had a bigger dream for her life. She did not just sit back and accept the status quo. She decided she wanted to go back to school and she got her high school diploma. But she still was not satisfied.

Stop setting for mediocrity. She wanted to go to college. She worked all day at the school and then attended college classes at night. Stop setting for mediocrity. In just four years, she graduated from College with honors. But Phyllis still was not satisfied. She went back to college and got her master’s degree.

Stop setting for mediocrity. Today, she reaping the rewards of that effort. She is not on welfare anymore, she is a principal in that same school district eh she used to collect meal ticket. Stop setting for mediocrity.  She, too, broke the curse of poverty and lack in her family. Phyllis says, I went from welfare to faring well.

Stop setting for mediocrity. You can do something similar. Stop settling for mediocrity. Quit settling for the status quo. God has more in store for you. Stop setting for mediocrity.  Much more. Dream bigger dreams. Enlarge your vision. Live with expectancy. Make room in your thinking for the great this God wants to do.

Stop setting for mediocrity. Your best day are ahead of you. God wants to do more than you can even ask or think but remember, it is according to the power that works to you. Stir yourself up, step out of complacency, do not be satisfied with past glories.

Stop setting for mediocrity. God has more in store for you. But if you are going to believe for bigger and better things, you will have to break some barriers of your past. Come on, I will show you what I mean. This is going to be exciting. Stop setting for mediocrity.

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Collection of Portuguese Folk Wisdom


There is a long way from saying to doing. Collection of Portuguese folk wisdom

The wolf loses his teeth but not his inclination. Collection of Portuguese folk wisdom

A stout heart break ill fortune.

Where the wolf gets one lamb he looks for another.

The sooner begun, the sooner done.

An angry man heeds no counsel.

Change yourself and your luck will change.

Good and quickly seldom meet.


Hunger is the best seasoning.

No one is a good judge of this own case.

You will know what something is really worth, when you lose it forever.

All are not soldiers who go to the wars.

Much never cost little.

Haste is the enemy of perfection.

Think of many things but do just one at a time.

Faint heart never won fair lady.

Sweet are the tears that are dried by your loved one.

A word to the wise is enough.


He who is well prepared has half won the battle. Collection of Portuguese folk wisdom

Truth should not be dressed up. Collection of Portuguese folk wisdom

It is easier to catch a liar than a limping person.

Another’s misfortune does not cure my pain.

If a poor man gives to you, he expects more in return.

He threatens many who affronts one.

A little leak will sink a great ship.

Chastise the good man, he will grow better.

Of two cowards, the one who attacks conquers the other.

If you want good advice, consult an old man.

Where you tell your secret you surrender your freedom.

Four eyes see more than two.

Tell your fiend a lie, if the keeps it secret than tell him the truth.

Everything has its time. Collection of Portuguese folk wisdom

Do not pull hard enough to break the rope. Collection of Portuguese folk wisdom

Woman, wind and luck soon change. Collection of Portuguese folk wisdom

A shut mouth keeps me out of strife. Collection of Portuguese folk wisdom

Married couples who love each other a thousand things without taking. Collection of Portuguese folk wisdom


Children raised doubled work.

If you would be a good judge, hear whatever one says.

No one is content with his lot.

Each one takes his own decisions.

Give a grateful man more than he asks for.

In a quarrel between a husband and his wife keep away.

One misfortune brings on another.

A small spark makes a great fire.

Where there is no might there no right.


An empty purse and a new house make a man wise.

He threatens many who affronts on.

A little leak will sink, a great ship.

Chastise the good man, he will grow better.

Of two cowards, the one who attacks conquers the other.

If you want good advice, consult an old man.

Where you tell your secret you surrender your freedom.

Four eyes see more than two.

Tell your friend a lie, if he keeps it secret then him the truth.

Everything has its time.

Do not pull hard enough to break the rope.

Woman, wind and luck soon change.

A shut mouth keeps me out of strife.

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Run Your Own Race


Run your own race. When we start competing with people, we get distracted, we lose focus and before long we are wasting time on things that are not moving us toward our purpose. Someone has said, successful people are so focused on their own goals that they do not have time to look around to see what everybody else is doing. Run your race and when somebody passes you by, do not be intimated. Be inspired. If God did it for them. He can do it for you. But if you cannot celebrate people who are further along than you, you will never get to where they are. You have to pass the rent of being happy for people who have passed you up, because there will be the tendency to be jealous, to start finding fault and being critical, saying. Well, they do not deserve it. They are not that talented anyway. Let me tell you some bad things I heard about them. Do not fall into that trap. God’s shoeing them favor does not man He is not going to show you favor. Be happy for them. Run your own race.

Run your own race. When you are someone who is blessed, who is twisting higher, it is easy to think. Well they have just had a lot of food breaks. What you might not realize is that the favor on their life did not come without pain. Promote for them to get where emotion did not come without struggles, without them firing off discouragement, without struggles, without them fighting off disagreement, without them pressing forward when they felt like giving up. Run your own race. You do not know what it took for them to get where they are. Sometimes we come in at the end of the movie. We see everything working out. They are happy, to do, successful. What we did not see was the muffle, the tears, the lonely nights, the struggles. Be big enough to elaborate what God is doing in the life. Do not be a Saul. Do not miss your destiny because you are sour that somebody passed you up. Their success is not stopping what God wants to do in your life. God did not use up all of His favor on them. Run your own race.

Run your own race. It is a test. Are you going to compete with them and spend all your energy trying to keep up or are you going to celebrate what God has done? You can tell who your true friends are not by who comes when you fall and are down. When you make a mistake, people will feel sorry. They will show up to help you. Your true fiends are the ones who show up when you succeed. They celebrate when you are promoted. They are happy when God bless you. Run your own race.   They are high-fiving you when you move into that new house. You have heard the saying, it is lonely at the top. It is because not everybody can handle our success and too often people get envious, jealous and critical. Let’s pass this test. When somebody passes you by, give them a high gig and keeping running your race. Do not look to the left or to the right. Keep being who God’s made you to be. Run your own race.

Run your own race. One time I was out running through my neighborhood and I saw a man running about a quarter of a mile in front of me. I thought, I am going to catch him. I had about mile before I needed to run off and go done my path. I picked up the pace and started giving on him and gaining horn him and I was feeling great and thinking. Run your own race.   Look what I was feelings great and thinking. Look what I am dong. Getting closer and closer, I finally passed him. I because him. He had not known we were racing, but I felt good about it. About that time I realized I had been so focused on catching him that I missed my turn. I had to run around and go back about six blocks where I was supposed to turn. Run your own race.

Run your own race. That is what happens when we start competing with people. It is a destruction. Run your own race.   We are turning in a race that we are not supposed to be in, competing with people who many times do not even know it. If that man knew we were racing, I had probably still be trying to catch him. He would have sped up. Do not get restricted. Run your race.

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