Your relationship issues:
Whatever you go through in a relationship, it should be resolved between you and your partner solely. Sharing bits of your daily life on certain occasions is Okay, but do not take wrong way and start planning about your partner to other people. Everything you have to say to them, just say it in their face. There is no reason why other people should know the intimate past of your relationship. Keep it private.
Your bank account balance:
Your finances are something that effects only you. Keep your finance balance privately and avoid greedy and envious comments from people, who cannot hide their jealousy inside them. What goes inside your wallet is nobody’s business but yours.
Your family problems:
Despite being award, sharing family problems is also inconsiderate to your family, your friends, no matter how your family, your friends, no matter how close they seem to be, should not know everything that is going on behind closed doors. We all have our own madness and point of view which make us different from one another. Reveling too much can sometimes create a certain unwanted image and it can crate much more trouble than you can imagine.
Your weakness:
One of the most important things you should be careful about carefully judge to whom you can confide about your bigger weaknesses and troubles in your life. Not everyone how presents themselves as a kind and honest person turns out to actually be one.
Your goals:
The dame goes for your mist desired goals in life. Have you ever felt that the more you share a certain goal with people, the less motivated you become to actually reach it. I certainly have, I have felt that the moment my secret is out there, there is this daunting pressure around me. First and foremost learn to concentrate on yourself and the things you like to achieve. And then, when the job is done, decide with whom you are going to share that information. But, whatever you choose to do, keep the juicy and intimate bits to yourself.